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Mysterious effect by laser and camera
Tweet There is a mysterious laser effect that I was told by the person who work at movie company a few years a …
(日本語) サーモカメラの扱いについて
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Troubles what did not go well in controlling servo by Arduino
Tweet I will blog a different topic than the laser because I wrote about laser a lot. I will write down the to …
My first artwork, “hikarinami” was displayed at SmartIllumination 2017. And I got second prize!
Tweet Long time no see. In Nov.1-5th, 2017 “Smart Illumination Yokohama 2017″( http://smart-illumi …
Report of progress of homemade laser
Tweet I want to make homemade laser since last year and I tried to test materials, though I cannot make well. …
(日本語) 頼朝の窟 2017
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Realtime laser by Beyond
Tweet Like this video, I found the way to conevrt video to laser in realtime, so write this article. (I did it …
Crosstalk problem wireless devices and venue
Tweet I do not know if it’s fashion or not, but XBee or Bluetooth , Wifi etc. Recently, the use of wirel …
(日本語) 陸上特殊無線技士3級とりました。
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